Biological bird repellent
Biological seed treatment designed to prevent attacks from crows, pigeons, pheasants and other birds.
Based on an ingredient extracted from black pepper, it makes seeds and young plants unbearable to avian species – so they will leave fields alone.
Safe and effective, Ibisio is a future-proof solution farmers have been waiting for amid increasing bird pressure and very few conventional products on the market.

// Corn
// Sweetcorn
// Sunflower
Active Ingredient
// Black Pepper Oleoresin (BPO)
Mode of Action
// Non-lethal biological bird repellent
// Gives seeds and young plants a strong aroma that makes them
unattractive to birds
// Those that attack anyway will be driven away by the taste
// Efficacy confirmed on corvids, pigeons and pheasants
// Excellent crop safety profile